Personal file - writing!

Copy the following set of questions in a Word document and answer them.
Please email it to your teacher!
Thank you!!
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Information about yourself 



E-mail ( Use capital letters) :

Tell us something about your family.

(father, mother, brothers, sisters, age, animals, work, school)

Do you do or did you do sports? Tell something about it.

Do you have hobbies? Give us a lot of the information about them all!

What kind of food do you like? Do you have a diet? Is there any food that you may not eat?

What is your “home rhythm” during the week: what time do you get up, how do you go to school (distance). What time do you have supper? What do you do in the evenings during the week and at the weekends? What time do you go to bed?

Tell something about you best friends. What are they like?? What do they like? How often do you see each other? What do you do together at home and when you meet outside?

Tell something about your character.


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